Wednesday, July 21

Soreness and Books

A lot to say...
well started ballet yesterday, and i'm soo soree right now!! i don't dance for one month then hardcore stretching and stuff reallyy has an impact on a person! and on top of all that pain, my ear has been hurting very badly for two days now, and i found out that apparently I have Swimmer's Ear. I only swam like two times since the summer. Weird, huh? Anyways apparently there's some green growing in my ear, too. And there's water like sitting in a pool of stuff? and whenever I do something to disturb the pool im in pain! funnn... So my ear, and my legs, and my back are in total pain right now. great way to spend a day off..

anyways i also finished "Lock and Key" and it was a really good book! Ruby Cooper, abandoned by her mother and sent to live with her sister who she hasn't seen in ten years and her brother-in-law, is determined to get through her senior year at a rich school quietly and unnoticed so that when she turns eighteen she can get the wish she's always wanted: to be independent. Ruby scores a new house with her own room, a pond in the backyard and the dream any teenage girl would want. Even with her determind mindset to not make friends, she soon meets people who she can rely on. It's a classic Sarah Dessen story with romance, friendship, family and reaching out to others. I loved it, and i'd recommend it to anyone. It teaches you about life and has great lessons not to mention an amazing story line.(:

Still havent gotten together with any friends...not today when i'm so sore. maybe next week? summer is more boring than school. what a sad fact.


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