Friday, July 23

Movie review of Bedtime Stories (2008)

Watched Bedtime Stories recently on! It was not what I expected. Like I expected the main character, Skeeter (Adam Sandler), to be a funloving father who told his children bedtime stories and they magically come to life. But hey, that was two years ago, and I guess I forgot what I saw during the commercials etc.

The story really goes like this [CAUTION: CONTAINS SPOILERS]: The main character was a single, rude, and unsocial/uncivilized man who almost seems like an average American teenager. His green (love-the-earth type green) sister leaves her two kids (Jonathan Morgan Heit and Laura Ann Kesling) to be babysat by her friend, Jill (Keri Russell) and Skeeter while she finds a job elsewhere. But it turns out that the parts of the stories the kids make up are the only parts that come true. So Skeeter selfishly uses this advantage to benefit himself to win over the hotel manager and the possesion of the new hotel. He eventually falls in love with Jill, because no story is complete with out love, and it's all happily ever after.

The plot, if I didn't have such different expectations, was cute. Definitely a PG appropriate movie. I don't particularly think I'd recommend it, unless you are used to men with screaming ringtones who answer the phone in a caveman-like "Hello" or men who try to impress someone extremely out of their league. But it was a cute kids story about how to use ones imagination.

I'd give it an overall 6.9/10


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