For the fourth of july the familyy is eitherr going to the beachh to see familyy (tht btw NEVER TALK TO ME..hardly evn acknowledge me other than hello and goodbye) or going to our cottage (to have a traditional, peaceful "watch the fireworks exclusively right on the lake" sort of night)...just by my descriptions you can probably tell which one i'd rather go to.
(highlight HERE: the cottagee!! for the answer)
so. its 5:35pm and im in my pajamas, basically in the same condition i was in when i woke upp today at noon!! grr...>='( WHY IS IT TAKING MY FATHER SO LONG TO MAKE A DECISION? i hate all this uncertainty! i hate not knowing what im doing at all for the next few days. and i cnt hate it in such a way that i can change it and make it bettr by like having a day to go out with friends! no. i cnt change it at all. i just have to sit here in my question marks. oh gods please help.
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