Tuesday, June 15

Last Academic Day of Middle School

This is a pretty big deal for me, personally. It's the last time in my entire lifetime that I will ever be a middle school student sitting in a classroom all day throughout all my academic classes! I am so very excited. I don't exactly know what I'm going to wear yet. But it has to be memorable. I guess I'm just like that...I like things to be memorable. I like to look back on things often.

(This photo was edited on http://www.picnik.com)

We went strawberry picking today. It was pretty fun! Well, all the juiciest, ripest, and biggest, reddest strawberries were already being devoured by small insects...VERMINS. Anyways, we picked a bunch, and then made this DELICIOUS dip with like cool whip, sour...something or other? Cream? Maybe...but it was so good. I had at least 20 strawberries all dipped into the mix..mmm...soo tasty...

And what else in life is new? Dance recital this Friday and Saturday, lots of school events that are so highly anticipated by the class you could feel the excitement arising from everyone.

So. Life is good. Nothing is wrong in my life, so don't be thrown off by the sudden sincerty and proper spelling of this post. And now I am desperately exhausted, so good night to all, and to all a good night!! (I think that's how it goes..)


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